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Graphic Design


Presented here are samples of my graphic desgin work done for various clients

Dark Snow - Mock cover

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Cover wrap around design - No Text
Cover wrap around design - W/Text
Dark Snow Mock-Up - Front and Back
Dark Snow Mock-Up - Front and Spine

Done initially for client - Robb Entertainment 

              Around the time my comic Ringa Raggedy was released I was asked by Robb Entertainment to pen another story for them. I submitted the synopsis for a book called Dark Snow. While that story was never picked up I did create this mock cover to go with part of what I had written.

T-shirt design I created for Noel Goossens

Vector image made for t-shirt
T-shirt mock up
T-shirt mock up
T-shirt mock up

Done for client - Noel Goossens - (via Upwork)

              Noel wanted a vector design created which could be printed onto a series of t-shirts. The design had to be based on a hand of playing cards depicting a royal flush. The word "Garve" had to be seen in the borders of the outermost cards.

Flyer and pamphlet I designed for Pam Krimsky

Done for client - Pam Krimsky

             This was designed to advertise a summer workshop the client was hosting. She provided a couple of images of butterflies she wanted on the flyer as well as the text to include. 

Pamphlet designed to advertise summer workshop
Flyer designed to advertise summer workshop

Variations of a logo I designed for ADORNIUM

Done for client - ADORNIUM

             I was contracted to design a logo for ADORNIUM, a newly established furniture store. These are some of the many design concepts I came up with during the approval process.

One of the many logo variations done for ADORNIUM
Variations of one of the logo designs done for ADORNIUM
Variations of one of the logo designs done for ADORNIUM
One of the many logo variations done for ADORNIUM
Quick mock up of real world application for logo
Quick mock up of real world application for logo
Quick mock up of real world application for logo
Quick mock up of real world application for logo

Mock cover designs done for the Vertical Inc.

Done for client - Verical Inc..

            While interning at Vertical Inc. I was tasked with designing a varity of mock covers for an upcomming manga release titled, Knights of Sidonia.

Mock Cover for Vertical Inc.jpg
Mock Cover for Vertical Inc
Mock Cover for Vertical Inc.jpg
Mock Cover for Vertical Inc.jpg
Mock Cover for Vertical Inc.jpg
Mock Cover for Vertical Inc.jpg
Mock Cover for Vertical Inc.jpg
Mock Cover for Vertical Inc.jpg


These are samples of various flyers, posters, ads and other printed media I desgined over the years for numerous clients. 

Client - Robb Entertianment
Client - American Mythology
Client - Kodansha
Client - Friend Commissioned Design for Son
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